Bumble Bee Box Reporting Form Name * First Name Last Name Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * What year was your bee box built? * Approximately when was your box installed this year? * What colour is the box? * How many meters above ground did you place the box? If you placed it on the ground, enter 0. * How much sunlight did the box receive? * Low sunlight Moderate sunlight Full sunlight What direction did the entrance of the bee box face? * Was your bee box occupied by bumble bees during the season? * If the bee box was occupied, how many cells are present? Refer to images on the instructions page. * Was there evidence of species other than bumble bees living in the bee box? * Additional comments or observations Did you submit data for this box for a previous year and the location, colour, sunlight exposure and orientation of the box did not change? * Yes No Contact Consent Do you permit us to show the location of your bee box on a publicly available map (e.g. Google Earth)? * Yes No Thank you! Remember to give the box a quick wipe with a mild bleach solution. The box can stay outside for the winter. Feel free to contact us with any questions at info@albertanativebeecouncil.ca.